Friday, April 16, 2010

"A" turns 6! It's "Indiana Jones & the Mystery of the Hidden Treasure"

My first born son, "A", turned 6 in March. it seems just like yesterday that he was my "baby". He is now in kindergarten and almost in 1st grade! For his birthday, he wanted an Indiana Jones party as he is addicted to the Lego Wii game. So, we created the next adventure of Indiana Jones. I used a lot of ideas from other blogs and we created some of our own!

Indiana "A"!

The game:

After each game, they had to collect a lego brick to get their next clue. I had given each boy a brown sack to collect their legos. I would have liked them each to have a "satchel", but sewing is not my thing!

They played "Hot Potato" with the idol. The idol was a tiki from a party store that we spray painted gold. We had Indiana Jones theme music playing...when the music stopped whoever was holding the idol received their brick and was out.
We made our sandbox into a snakepit. I filled it with rubber snakes from Wal-Mart's $1 bin. The snakes were part of their goodie bags.

Once everyone found a brick, the next clue was read:
And, the water balloon toss! The "grail" had their lego brick. I painted plastic wine glasses, 2 gold and 1 brown for the grail (and had extra in case they broke them):
So, what we were trying to create was a "reach and grab" game. You know in Temple of Doom, when Willie has to save Indy from the falling stakes, she reaches into dark crevices to find the handle? Well, our game turned into the CAVE of DOOM. The kids had to crawl inside, one at a time, and find a lego brick in openings at the end of the cave. We had lots of plastic spiders and scorpions about, too.
The cave was made from pallets and cardboard, with 2 L bottles filled with rice, pasta, etc that they had to dig in to find their legos.
Next clue:
This took them to A's room that had balloons. Most of them had a key on the string.

I should have cut the keys off before they each took turns unlocking the treasure box!
The treasure box was filled with glowsticks, candy, and gold coins.
They did it!!
Now for the cake!

In addition to this party, baby boy "Z" was turning 2, and we were having another party that evening. The cupcakes worked well for this one and that still left the whole cake in tact for the combined party later that night.

We used round cakes and a little bit of angel food cake for the "ramp". The boulder came from a Fisher Price Little People set. The "trees" were from a fake plant we found. And, of course the lego characters.

Many thanks to the bloggers out there for their ideas! Yes, some of these are stolen and then were expanded on for this party, so I can't take all the credit! Check out: which is where most of my ideas started from!!